Toric lenses are used in the treatment of astigmatism. Astigmatism is known as a refractive error that can be seen in both himermetropia and myopia. In the eyes with astigmatism, a distorted image appears because the distant and near vision types are impaired. In addition, objects with a normally round shape are seen in an oval shape. At night, the lights are more reflected and disturb the vision. Intraocular lenses are generally used in hypermetropia patients who have difficulty in seeing the near and far distance. However, it can also be used in patients over 40 years of age. The natural lens that lost its function in the intraocular lens is taken and replaced with a artificial lens. There are also lenses produced to correct the astigmatism. These are called toric lenses. Toric lenses are a kind of intraocular lens and are frequently used today. With the development of new technologies, many other lenses available. Nowadays, astigmatism as well as distant and close vision can be treated in surgical interventions. These intraocular lenses have successful results in astigmatism up to 6-7 degrees.
First, all necessary examination, measurement and tests are performed to the patient. Then, the most appropriate intraocular lens model is preferred by the physician. Toric lens applications are performed in the same way as the normal cataract surgery. In this operation, anesthesia is performed with drops. Then, the natural lens with the impaired function of the eye is removed and replaced with a toric (astigmatized) lens. The eye is closed with a bandage after surgery. This bandage is opened by the doctor during the day after the surgery. The patient can continue his / her daily life without any problems in the vision. The doctor then gives the drops to the patient and asks them to use the drops regularly. Routine controls are performed weekly and monthly after the surgery. After this operation, the patient is no longer suffering from astigmatism. The toric lens treatment lasts approximately 15 minutes.
- The ability to treat reftactive problems in almost any degree
- Fast visual improvement
- Predictable results
- High chance of getting rid of astigmatism
- No corneal tissue loss or thinning
- High optical quality
- Can be performed along with other eye surgeries if necessary
- Be reversible
- Chance to get rid of glasses and lenses
Toric lens treatments are performed in the same way as standard cataract surgeries. This method also heals in the same process as the cataract treatment. The method does not have any risk factors that may increase the incidence of other eye diseases in the future. This method also does not interfere with other surgical interventions. Toric lenses are high-tech lenses that can be safely used by patients with astigmatism.
However, if the patient has astigmatism due to the cornea, astigmatism can be corrected with a toric lens during cataract surgery.
Eye Treatments Packages
ReLEx SMILE Surgery
Femto LASIK Surgery
No-Touch Laser Surgery
Cataract Surgery – with Trifocal Lenses
Cataract Surgery – with Multifocal Lenses
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