Presbyond laser treatment is a laser method used for individuals with close visual impairment. This laser method, also called Presbylasic, can eliminate near vision disorders. Presbyond disorders usually occur in humans depending on age. This discomfort that occurs after the age of 45’s as a result of the decrease in elasticity in the eyepiece is actually a result of natural aging. After the age of 40, the eye grows +1 every 10 years. At the age of 50, +2 is the number 60 and +3 is the number. This makes it very difficult for people to see the near distance. Unfortunately, Presbyond is not a delayable disease. This is a disease that can be seen in any elderly because it is related to age. This discomfort is just as natural as whitening hairs. After this age, people have to wear reading glasses in addition to their glasses for far. Presbyond laser treatment is applied to eliminate such conditions.
Presbyond patients have difficulty in seeing objects closer than 50 cm. Therefore, they try to see the objects holding them away. This situation can cause headaches. Presbyond is a standard disorder and can be seen in every patient.
Presbyond Laser Therapy is the most reliable method in the world for the visual disorders of the near sight. This treatment method is physiologically optimized for patients. This method achieves a good success in eliminating the problem of close vision. In order for the patients to be able to achieve this treatment, specialist doctors first perform a detailed eye examination and then analyze whether the patient is suitable for this laser treatment. With this method, optical systems are modified for a wide field of view. The method improves the sight for near, intermediate and far distances.
Presbyond laser treatment is not a difficult operation. This surgery can be applied to:
- Patients over 40 years who use glasses for near and far (both)
- Patients who want to get rid of their glasses
- Patients with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism may also benefit from this treatment.
This laser surgery is performed according to the personalized profiles of the patients. Unlike other eye treatments for the close distance, it is provided that the dominant eye sees the far and the other non-dominant eye sees the near. Both of them together can see the intermediate distance. Patients can return to their daily work within a few days. Only on the first day they may experience side effects such as burning, stinging and tearing. But this is completely normal and temporary.
- Thanks to the local anesthesia performed with drops, the treatment is completed within minutes.
- The patient can immediately return to social life after the operation. After 5 hours of burning, the patient will be able to perform daily tasks easily.
- If the patient has myopia or hyperopia, they can be treated in the same session.
Eye Treatments Packages
ReLEx SMILE Surgery
Femto LASIK Surgery
No-Touch Laser Surgery
Cataract Surgery – with Trifocal Lenses
Cataract Surgery – with Multifocal Lenses
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