Permanent solution to your hair loss!
Hair transplant surgery allows the surgeon to move healthy hairs on your scalp to areas with thinning hair. Today, it’s possible to have natural-looking results thanks to one key advance. Most surgeons now transplant the healthy hairs a few at a time.
Improvements in creating the hairline and placing the hairs in the thinning areas also help create natural-looking results.
Thanks to these advances, the results can look so natural that a barber or stylist cannot tell you’ve had anything done.
The problem is there are a lot of cheap clinics that want to catch you in just that state!
You need somebody who tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Most of clinics can give big words until you accept their proposal. BUT we say you the real expected result and you decide according this vision.
The other point when you consider, is the surgeon reliability. Results depend largely on the surgeon you select, who should utilise the right hairs in the right place.
It is very critical how to manage after care period. The regular check-ups following the procedure are usually one within the first two weeks and then one normally at six months and finally one 12 months after the procedure. Our company and doctors always will be in contact with you and will take care even when you go back home.
Our main different is that DSO Healthcare is a UK company which will be your answerer whenever you need support about your procedure before and after.
Who is a good candidate for a hair transplant?
Are you a man in your 20s, who is experiencing hair loss? For best results, you may be asked to wait to have a hair transplant and start treating with a hair loss medicine. Men and women of all races can be good candidates for a hair transplant.
To be considered for a hair transplant, you need two things:
- Enough healthy hair on your scalp that can be transplanted to the area that needs hair
- The ability to grow hair on the thinning area of your scalp
During a consultation with our doctor, you can find out if you have both. We will give you a thorough scalp online exam even if you in your home country.
To find out why you have hair loss, you may also need a blood test. This can check for things going on in your body that may be causing your hair loss. We will ask a blood test before your travel to Turkey.
If the exam and tests show that you are a good candidate for a hair transplant, our doctor can tell you what results you can expect. A full head of hair may be unrealistic, but a fuller head of hair can be the goal.
In recent years, Turkey has become frequented place for medical tourism by people from all around the world, especially for Hair Transplantation!
Reasonable prices and high quality…
Hair Transplantation procedures are performed by government-certified surgeons under sterilized conditions and according to international guidelines on clinical practices. The Ministry of Health of Turkey controls quality standarts of given treatments, checks the competence of surgeons and ensures that the procedure room and equipments are decontaminated in compliance with international decontamination and sterilization standards.
Due to thousands of people prefer Turkey, all those operations have been conducted by the typical hair transplant surgeon in Turkey, resulting in over-qualified and skilled hair transplant surgeons of very high caliber compared to the average surgeon outside.
Also, CONTACT US as soon as an oral health problem arises. Taking care of your oral health is an investment in your overall health!