Fue Hair Transplant

Fue Hair Transplantation; It is one of the effective techniques that eliminates baldness today, where aesthetic applications are widely used. The success rate of this procedure, which is performed by estheticians, is quite high.

In today’s world, where hair transplantation technology is becoming more and more widespread and developing, one of the first techniques that comes to mind when people think of  hair transplantation  , no incision marks are made on the scalp during fue hair transplantation operation.

For this reason, this technique is widely used as it provides a great advantage in the healing process. The fact that there will be no scars and incisions after the operation makes fue hair transplantation even more popular and preferable.

How is Fue Hair Transplant done?

Local anesthesia is applied to the patient before the procedure. Appropriate hair follicles to be used for hair transplantation are first collected. These roots are collected through the Fue engine. Collected grafts contain 2-3 hairs.

It is necessary to be very careful to avoid any damage to the roots during the application. After the collected hair follicles are categorized separately and melted, the planting process is started.

Another point to be careful here is the channel opening process. The preferred specialist in this regard should be experienced. The channels opened in accordance with the hair follicles are opened and the hair transplantation process takes place with the opened channels.

Who is Fue Hair Transplant Applied to?

All individuals with favorable health conditions can benefit from hair transplantation procedures. After the adolescence period, people with thin hair or problems such as baldness can achieve the desired fuller appearance with the fue hair transplant method. Fue hair transplant prices are more preferred if they fit people’s budgets.

Fue Hair Transplant Method

As every procedure has its own method, fue hair transplantation also has its own stages.

In this method, the hair follicles are applied under local anesthesia and the hair taken from the person’s body is placed on the balding parts with the help of special-tipped motors.

Thus, hair transplantation is performed with the hair follicles placed. This method, which gives a very permanent and successful result, is widely used among men. Fue hair transplant prices are one of the most frequently asked questions.

Before Fue Hair Transplant

Those who want to have a hair transplant look for a specialist and experienced doctor beforehand. Then, some tests are performed in the preferred clinic to determine whether people are suitable for hair transplantation.

Existing diseases of the person are revealed by blood tests. Every individual with favorable health conditions can benefit from fue hair transplantation. Before the procedure, fue hair transplant prices should be known and it is necessary to stay away from harmful habits and not to apply cosmetic products to the area where the procedure will take place.

After Fue Hair Transplant

After hair transplantation, people are sent to their homes. I’m fine, then the washing process begins. However, the washing process will take place in a short time and no application such as hair scrubbing is done. Special shampoos are used after the procedure.

In case of any problem that may occur, it is necessary to go to the doctor’s control at certain intervals, and to apply to the specialist doctor immediately. Antibiotics used under doctor control are preferred against any infection.

New hair grows from the hair follicles where the transplantation is performed after 2-3 weeks. These hairs are shed again and this is temporary. Then the hair grows back and becomes normal.

Those Who Have Fue Hair Transplant

If the fue hair transplant prices, which are applied for hair transplantation without the need for any incision or stitching, are known clearly, people can achieve the look they want. Those who have hair transplantation using this method return to their daily lives in a short time.

Fue Hair Transplant Recommendations

With fue hair technology, which is one of the newest techniques, an aesthetic and healthier appearance is obtained. When looking at the recommendations given about this method, there is information about the fact that the person who will perform the operation is an expert and experienced. The patient, on the other hand, should strictly comply with the rules to be followed before and after the procedure and should not disrupt the controls.

Fue Hair Transplant Reviews

Fue hair transplantation has become a very popular procedure. For this reason, many people who have baldness problems due to environmental and hereditary factors use this method to have fuller hair.

This situation contributes to the relaxation of people both aesthetically and psychologically.

When we look at the comments made about this method, it is seen that people are very pleased. Those who are curious about the Fue hair transplantation method, and those who want to learn how this method is realized, can have information with the comments made.