Beard Transplantation

Beard Transplantation is applied by expert plastic and aesthetic surgeons together with the developing technology. This situation causes facial deformity and also disturbs people with a loss of appearance. The beard may not grow on some parts of the face of men.

With the transplantation process, facial deformities are removed and a natural beard appearance is provided by beard transplantation in places where there is no beard or where it grows sparsely. Thus, men feel better and feel psychologically comfortable.

How is Beard Transplantation Performed?

It is a successful procedure performed by experts and experienced people in the field of beard transplantation. In order to get a good result, first of all, the beard and some hair roots of the people are observed in detail.

As a result of the observations, hair follicles are taken from the nape of men. In order to create a natural beard appearance, the hairs taken are treated on the non-beard areas on the face.

With this procedure, which is carried out in a professional way, no traces or symptoms are experienced. Beard loss can be regional or it can be all over the face.

For this reason, root numbers are determined in line with the actions to be taken and the application of these root numbers is started in an appropriate way.

Before After Beard Transplantation

Beard transplantation is performed to replace the beards that do not grow in certain parts of the face due to problems such as hormonal disorders, genes, injury, ringworm and burns experienced by men.

Beard losses can be psychological as well as hereditary factors. In addition, this problem can be seen irregularly on the face, or it can be seen in all of them.

After beard transplantation, some irritations may be felt in the area where beard transplantation is applied.

This situation is temporary and after a certain period of time, beards begin to appear. Within 1-2 weeks, a natural appearance is observed on the face.

Things to Consider During Beard Transplantation

After beard transplantation, people need to follow some rules. The area where the process is applied should be avoided for a certain period of time with water. Especially after 3 days, the beard area should be applied lotion first. Then it should be washed and cleaned.

Products such as perfume and cologne should not be applied to the area where the procedure is performed. Shaving should be done one month after the beard transplant. However, scissors should be preferred for shaving and the machine should not be used. The drugs given by the specialist should be used regularly and sleep on the back during sleep.

Beard Transplant Recommendation

During beard transplantation, it is necessary to protect the face area from heat and cold.

It is important to follow expert advice after beard transplantation. For this reason, you need to take great care of your face until your doctor tells you to. It is important to stay away from tools such as razors and machines. Choosing a good doctor will make the beard transplant process look more natural and will provide you with great results.

How Are Channels Opened in Beard Transplantation?

Beard transplantation is applied to eliminate deformities and to have a more aesthetically beautiful appearance.

For this reason, all stages are completed sequentially and in a controlled manner. Before the hairs taken from other parts of the body are placed in the beard area, the channels where the roots will be placed properly are opened one by one.

The angle of the opened channels is very important for the appearance of the beard. For this reason, the angle is the most important element in order to create a natural image. In order for the channels opened during beard transplantation to give a natural appearance, the use of horizontal 30-40 degree angles is preferred.

Comments of Those Who Have Beard Mustache Transplantation

Beard transplant prices and if the right treatment methods are applied during the operation, it gives a great satisfaction. Therefore, when the comments on beard and mustache transplantation are examined, it is an application that achieves 100% success if a good clinic and physician are preferred.

For this reason, those who want to have beard and mustache transplantation can easily achieve the desired image if the examinations made before the procedure and the points to be considered after the procedure are followed. Thus, the beard problems experienced by men in the facial area are handled efficiently with today’s technology.